Finding space for solidarity in the village
Colored Mountain Houses

Community Housing
Antonin Boulanger Cartier, Pierre- Olivier Demeule, Marie-Claude Gravel (U. Laval)
Habitats + Cultures Studio (2016)
This project imagines the ingenious “soft” densification of Salluit’s village center. Colorful houses are built without pads on a rocky hill, a site previously overlooked yet strategically located near services.
The homestead’s compact footprint, without streets or pads, also saves on granular material that is already sparse by using alternative foundations (piles and stone walls). The tight-knit cluster is built around a network of wooden walkways that facilitate access to houses and a community workshop, as well as the delivery of services (water, fuel) via concealed utilidors. The lively walkways are protected by harsh winds and encourage walking, even if a common parking area for cars, ATVs, and skidoos is provided.
New housing is arranged in groups of two, three, or four dwellings. The slope provides views of the land and alleviates “face-to-face” situations. Each group shares a common, covered, and naturally lit in-between space, where people can engage in daily activities and enjoy many opportunities for bonding and sharing.
To promote autonomy in construction and a sense of belonging to the land, local resources such as stone and earth are put to use.