Future visions based on geomorphological possibilities
Strategic Scenarios for Salluit

Community Planning
Mathieu Avarello, Nicolas Delucinge, Sarah Gauthier (U. Laval)
Thesis Project (2018)
By combining Salluit’s climatic and geomorphological data with demographic forecasts over nearly a century, this project imagines development scenarios that optimize the use of local constructible spaces (on bedrock) and give Salluimmiut free rein to their social and cultural aspirations.
A strategy to “cut and fill” the rock incline yields level sites to develop not too far from the village, as well as granular material for the streets (without resorting to the depleting quarry). Houses are anchored to the rock and form a compact neighbourhood. In fact, this scenario is three times denser than are Salluit’s current neighbourhoods.
Along one axis, main streets welcome community buildings. Along the sloping rocky ridges, pedestrian walkways give access to various types of dwellings and spaces for traditional activities. These walkways also allow for technical solutions tested elsewhere in the Arctic, such as utilidors.
The new neighbourhood brings people together in a solidary, sustainable living environment.