The sharing of knowledge between generations has weakened over the last decades. A distance has been created between young people and their elders due to the lack of proximity, the education that is now done in schools and the new technologies. At the same time, young generations have a less and less strong feeling of belonging to the territory. In addition, access to the land is increasingly difficult, both due to climate change and the fact that people must travel by motorized vehicle, but as it is expensive, not everyone can have one. In this project, two thematic were explored, such as living together and living with the land.

Living with the land : Local colors as anchors of sharing and knowledge has the mission to strengthen the cultural roots in the heart of Nunavik's villages by focusing on "local color" to support land-based learning, entrepreneurship and the consolidation of resilient living environments. Before colonization, these people were completely autonomous, using the territory as their source of subsistence. Land-based learning is therefore a way to regain this self-determination, to look forward and to plan the Nunavik of the future by working together and in harmony with the territory.
