This consultation aims to craft a tool to change the way houses and villages could be built in Nunavik. We invite Kangiqsualujjuammiut to share their thoughts on Inuit ways of life. Open to all adult residents, 360 illustrated booklets in English and Inuktitut to be filled-in (with return envelopes) have been delivered to every PO box in Kangiqsualujjuaq.
Please send back your filled-in booklet !
The survey address nine key topics regarding Inuit living environments, at three scales: HOUSE (pulaarvik and other rooms, porches and windows), RESIDENTIAL AREAS (space near my house, neighbourhood, community space), VILLAGE (housing choices, dwelling control, living outside the village).
Nakurmiik to Nancy Etok (Ulluriak School Vice Principal), Hilda Snowball (KRG Chairperson) and McCombie Annanack (Mayor), as well as Susie Jane Karpik (Post Officer), Sarah Aloupa (Inuktitut Translator), Mona Belleau (Pioneer Collaborator), and to all participants for their important contributions.
For any questions, join our private Facebook group Doing Things Differently in Kangiqsualujjuaq - Collaborative Research or reach out to Geneviève Vachon, research co-director at genevieve.vachon@arc.ulaval.ca
Doing Things Differently collaborative research project (Sentinel North 2019-2023) was approved by the Kangiqsualujjuaq community at the March 2020 Parnasimautik and by the Research Ethics Committee of Université Laval (approval no. 2020-161 A-3 / 02-12-2021).